Landscaping, Real and Imagined
Warmer weather inspires me to paint landscapes — I love taking my easel outside and painting directly from what I see, but larger canvases are done in the studio. Barcelona Harbor (above) was painted right on site, and Forest (below) was done looking at the view directly out of my studio window. As you can see, the snow was still lingering!
It’s so much easier to work on the bigger landscapes in the studio — large canvases can take off like a sail outside with the slightest wind gust.. It's not fun picking the dirt off of a painting, or wiping the oil paints off of your face! Gascony is large and was totally painted from a memory of a beautiful trip to France.
And Field View — another large one — is a composite memory of Central and Western New York scenes that I’ve painted in the past. I've been interested lately in simplifying and flattening shapes.
While I’m working on the larger pieces, I keep some small blank panels nearby to use up my excess paint. These two smaller ones were painted with the squeegees I use to clean my palette-no brushes were harmed in the production of these two!
And in other news, I’m happy to report that these two encaustic pieces were accepted into the 87th Annual National Exhibition of the Cooperstown Art Association in Cooperstown, NY. This show will run from July 8-August 12, with a reception on July 8. The gallery is on 22 Main Street, in the heart of the action, and a great summer destination if you are planning a road trip!
Ancient Gold 1, encaustic on wood panel, 24"x24"
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